Paul White Matthew 3:17-4:1 Satan’s attacks against your place as a member of God’s family, is not unique. He attacked Jesus in the same way in the wilderness. God had just spoken from heaven, with Jesus standing in the Jordan River, and the Spirit like a dove, descended on Him. The proclamation that God made…
Author: Paul White
Paul White Romans 5:1, 9 When we place our faith in Christ for our salvation we are justified from all of our sins by that faith. This initial act of faith is the only thing that is necessary to bring grace to work in our life, and we are considered as clean as if…
Paul White 1 Timothy 6:12 There are good fights and there are bad fights. Me against a wet paper sack is a good fight. Me against the Heavyweight Champion of the World…enough said. Paul told young Timothy to “Fight the good fight of faith”,thus marking the only time that Paul told Timothy to fight at…
Paul White Galatians 3:23, 24 There is a difference between having faith in something or someone and having THE faith that brings salvation. Paul said that before faith came, “we were kept under the law” (Galatians 3:23). He doesn’t mean that men had no faith, but that they had no object in which to place…
Paul White Colossians 3:1-4 The title for today seems kind of morbid, doesn’t it? “You are dead” is not a very encouraging way to start your day I’ll admit, but within context of the scripture, it is quite encouraging. The “old you” is gone, with all of its sins and transgressions, and the “new you”…
Paul White Romans 7:15-25 Much has been debated about the timing of these passages. Some say that Paul is writing about himself before he became a Christian. Others say that this was Paul after conversion but before victory over the flesh, while still some argue that this was Paul’s current condition at the time that…
Paul White Galatians 2:16-20 We know that a man is not justified by doing the works of the law, for we can never do them all perfectly. How is a man justified? Paul says, “By the faith of Jesus Christ” (Galatians 2:16), but surely that is a misprint for it says, “the faith of Jesus…
Paul White Titus 3:5 What separates us from the other religions of the world is the spiritual re-birth of those who are born again. Some try to split Christianity into two camps: the Christian and the Born-Again. They theorize that the Christian believes in treating others well and being a good citizen, tolerant and wholesome,…
No Condemnation Paul White 04NOV Romans 8:1 Paul told the church at Corinth that he did not speak to condemn them (2 Corinthians 7:3) and Jesus said that He did not come to condemn the world either (John 3:17). If Paul didn’t preach condemnation, and Jesus did not show up to give condemnation, why are…